Monday, March 23, 2009


Our good dog, Bodie, is going along the road of life and eternity, to wait for us somewhere up ahead. We love you. We will miss you alot. Play in the meadow flowers in your new healthy perfected body with all our beloveds who have gone before you. In a way I envy you because you get to see them and touch them again and I do not. Until we get there, we remain your loving family here on Earth. I will come back here and put your picture, when I choose the right one. Hugs, Bodie-boo. Such a sweet boy, with such a funny bone. I can see him in my mind running the goofy way he did, like Phoebe, in the Friends episode, where Rachael was embarassed to jog with her in the park because she looked like such a spaz when she ran. That's what you are supposed to do though, right? Run like no one is watching. I am trying to learn from Bodie, a pure soul, without guile.

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